Salpaus Further Education is an active player in regional, national and international development networks. Development projects are carried out through both internal and external funding.
In all our projects we try to create sustainable and systematic development. These involve seeking, experimenting, innovating and developing new systems and techniques of working. These projects are implemented and carried out together with institutions, companies and public administration organizations as well as with various funding sponsors.
We are involved in a wide range of national projects in addition to the international projects listed below.
International Projects
- Bridges - Building recourses in digitalisation to gain employment skills (Erasmus+ Adult Education) https://www.bridgesproject.online/
European e-Transport Network for VET - ENT4VET
(Erasmus+ KA2 Strategic partnership) -
e-VET – Enabling VET teachers to be creators of digital education
(Erasmus+ KA2 Strategic partnership) -
ThinkerLab – Tinkering Laboratories for inclusive and active learning
(Erasmus+ Cooperation partnerships in school education)
Previous projects
Network of networks – International network of VET providers, a grass roots approach (Erasmus+ KA3)
https://www.partnersin.vet/ - New skills for VET teachers (Erasmus+KA2 Exchange of good practices)
Supporting professional skills in organising and implementing Skills competition in VET
Clue to Inclusion
European Learning Pathways for Social Welfare and Health Care
https://help-theproject.eu/wordpress/ - KAOS network for Youth and Leisure Instruction
- Kotoverkon Laatuhaavi, Erasmus+ mobility for Immigrant Training
- Level Up Erasmus+ partnership for Work Place Tutoring